Please use this form to submit a request for sharing/advertising a research study, resource or learning/networking/involvement opportunity or event that health consumers and the general public with an interest in medical/clinical research might find of value.
Under the description field, please provide a short description (2-3 sentences) for inclusion in the CCReW newsletter. In the case of research studies, please also provide a link to publicly available information about the research (e.g. the ANZ CTR if a clinical trial) for more information.
For noting, attachments are not able to be included in the email newsletter. Instead, please provide a URL for where any documents/attachment(s) may be accessed.
AccessCR will use its sole discretion in deciding what will be included in the CCReW newsletter, how often, and at what cost to the submitter. Typically, it is only repetitive advertising of the same information that might attract a fee.