Community Newsletter Apr18
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Our News
We are still recovering from the 3 events we hosted during first 2 weeks of April, hence the lateness of this month's newsletter. Thanks to everyone that participated in these events. We have lots of work to do to compile the outcomes from each to make public. There's a brief wrap on each event below, in case you missed them, as well as our usual content highlighting the diveristy of trials, and articles of potential interest.
Looking forward, May is the month that internationally, there are lots of events to increase awareness of clinical research. Keep an eye on our social media for what we and others might doing to celebrate #ClinicalTrialsDay. Tag us on social media if you are doing something to celebrate, so we can share it, and check out a few events you might be interested in following below.

Until next time, Happy International Clincial Trials Day, May 20!
April 9 Workshop Wrap
On 9 April, around 30 people took part in a 90 minute session we hosted at the 2018 Patient Experience Symposium in Sydney discussing the participant and consumer representative experience in clinical trials. There were lots of insights shared from both perspectives, so much so we didn't get to brainstorm how the experience could be improved as planned. A short summary will be produced and released publiicly, hopefully alongside videos of the key speakers presentations (with their permission).
Ask About Clinical Trials Campaign
1-10 Apr Wrap
From April 1-10, we led a team that ran a campaign to empower people to ask their doctor about clinical trials, before they need to, called Ask About Clinical Trials. This was part of an international competition to raise awareness of clinical research called PopupStar.

Over the course of 10 days nearly 1000 visit were made to the website, some people downloaded the conversation starter and clinician resource, and a few people provided feedback via the survey. We even managed to score a short interview on ABCNews 24 talking about the campaign, with a patient that was involved, Andrew Warden.  As for how we stacked up in the competition? We find out who won 31st May New York time, so keep an eye on our social media to find out how we did!

created for the competition, we will continue to support the website for the foreseeable future as a resource for both members of the public to learn how to start a conversation with the doctor about clinical trials, for clinicians that may not be so familiar with clinical trials to learn how to support patients that might be asking, and for the public to feedback on their experience talking to their clinicians about trials. That feedback may lead to new ideas or improvements that can help better support both the public and clinicians to engage with clinical trials.

Even though the competition is now over, we would still like to encourage you to ask your doctor about clinical trials and feedback on that experience, share the website, and encourage others to #AskAboutCTs
. Click the picture above or here to watch people talking about why they think you should ask about trials, and visit for more information.

April 11 ThinkTank Wrap
On 11 April, around 50 people (online and in person) were part of our ThinkTank to explore the issues people have finding and providing useful information about trials, and ways these issues might be addressed.
Alot was shared from both patients and those professionally involved in trials that we hope was productive for all involved.  We are now slowly working our way through what happened on the day and getting appropriate approvals in place in order to compile and make public a report from the day. Stay tuned for more on this.

We'd like to send a big thankyou to everyone that made the day possible, including Lisa Briggs who started the ball rolling, all our speakers that shared their knowledge and experience, our design-thinking facilitator Sara Wiedenhaefer for her flexibility as the day evolved, our sponsors (The Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research & Enterprise (SPHERE) , The Lung Foundation Australia, and TrialDocs) for helping to cover the meeting costs, and the active participation of all whom attended.
Five Trials Currently Recruiting

Not all trials are for people without options, or for testing new drugs. To demonstrate the diversity of clinical trials looking for volunteers, here are 5 trials listed on the ANZCTR that recently began recruiting in Australia:

Research4Me has no links with any of these trials. If you are interested in more information on them, please click the links and contact the investigators listed directly.

Outside News
Here's ten recent articles we've come across that you might find interesting relating to participation, public engagement and change in clinical trials:
May - the Month to Celebrate Clinical Trials
May 20 is International Clinical Trials Day. It celebrates the first recognised controlled clinical trial of modern times, where James Lind investigated potential cures of scurvy, and discovered the role of citrus fruits in curing it. In a light-hearted approach last year, we used the James Lind trial to help debunk 5 common myths that exist about clinical trials .

There's lots happening in May to celebrate clinical trials. Here's a few events you might like to check out:
Have you got questions, or wisdom about clinical trials to share?
By joining the Research4Me community online, you have access to groups and forums to ask questions and provide feedback, additional resources and member-only opportunities to get involved.

Tap into the collective knowledge of other members of the community about clinical trials. The community is only new and members seem a little shy to contribute so far, but we hope that will change and people will see the value of being active members, supporting each other, getting involved, and making a difference to clinical trials together.

Not ready to join the community? Keep an eye on the opportunities that come up in the meantime.

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