The latest Australian clinical trials, consumer involvement news and opportunities in research.
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I don't know about you, but I feel the year quickly slippling away. So apologies in advance for this really long introduction, but there is alot going on. The next few months are going to be BUSY for everyone, so I just wanted to make sure you have these dates in your diaries (click on the links for more info):

We might squeeze in a Brisbane CCReW meetup on the 7Nov, but just waiting to see in the facebook group if there is any interest in that. Complete the poll in the facebook group, or keep an eye on our socials for any updates on that.

A couple of weeks ago we held a consumer Q&A session with Dr Bernadette Aliprandi-Costa on the National One Stop Shop for Clinical Trials, with lots of fabulous questions asked. We aren't currently able to release that publicly, though a link to the recording will be sent to attendees for their private use in the next day or so.

I'll be attending or involved in different capacities at the National HREC conference and ACTA / ARCS events coming up in Nov/Dec, and hopefully I will meet some of you there. I'm also excited that an abstract I co-created with CCReW from our Facebook group has been accepted for presentation at the National HREC conference - entitled Lived experience and the HREC review process – opportunities. Two of that group will present that session , and another from the group will likely join me as part of a panel discussing how HRECs practically deal with consumer engagement. So great times for elevating the consumer voice to the people that make decisions about the research that can be approved!

For anyone that missed the PxP conference, it was another great event (and thankfully not too many tricky questions at the end for Anne McKenzie and I to answer). I thought I'd share one of many pertinent quotes I saw shared by @PxPHub on X from the event to the right. You will be able to catch up on recordings for all but the question sessions at the end of each day, and I highly recommend it for anyone interested in the burning issues for consumers involved in research.  Keep an eye on the PxPHub and @PxPHub X account for when these are released.

I am currently investigating holding a virtual conference with awards celebrating excellence in consumer/patient experience, engagement and involvement in Australian research and clinical trials (from the CCReW perspective) sometime in the first two weeks of May 2024. I am looking for CCReW that might like to be part of a steering committee to help shape that event. If that's you, please get in touch as soon as possible. Equally, if you might be interested in partnering in or sponsoring such an event, I'd love to talk to you too!

Though this might seem slightly left field, in case you missed it, the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Review consultation Report and Enhance HTA Report (reporting on the consultation on the co-design of an enhanced consumer engagement process for HTA) were released mid September.  I share this here, as the recommendations could help strengthen the need for consumer involvement in research and development. In particular, I was heartened to see in the first report "Recommendation 25. Improving the involvement of consumers in HTAs" which says: "Actively engage consumers across the HTA continuum, including by offering support and training. Update the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee Guidelines to request information from sponsors of HTAs about how they engaged with consumers during pre-HTA processes including clinical trial design." Let's watch this space for how the government responds to both of these reports.

If you follow me on LinkedIn, you might have seen my support for a newly establishing International Society for Patient Engagement Professionals (ISPEP). Emma Sutcliffe in the UK is the founder, and is currently building the platform for the group, which should be available by the end of the year. In the meantime there is an active WhatsApp group. Look up Emma Sutcliffe on LinkedIn for more information, and message her if interested in ISPEP.  Coincidentally, I am also partnering with a colleague, Cathy Sertori, Creative Advocacy Solutions, on something for Australian industry professionals with an interest in patient partnership, so stay tuned for more on that.

Tomorrow is the start of October, and I am launching for the second year our October Origami 4 Clinical Trials (O4CT) campaign. We would like to encourage you to purchase origami sunflowers (to make, or made) to gift to clinical trial participants from the CCReW shop, to say thankyou for their efforts and contributing to advancing healthcare. We know from those who have already purchased, what a smile they receive from those that are gifted the sunflowers. If you're looking for that different type of team bonding or mental health break, why not purchase multiple packs to make or book a workshop. We have lots of ways these sunflowers can help bring people together and provide an opportunity for discussion around clinical trials.  And if Origami or Sunflowers aren't your thing, then look at the other offerings available on the CCReW Shop. We'd really love your support.

Sometimes I have a need for a bit of mindfulness myself, and so I make some origami sunflowers. Occasionally, people will purchase or give us origami sunflowers they've purchase and made to distribute to trial participants. To facilitate knowing who to give these too, we've now launched a page on our website where people can nominate a trial participant to be gifted a sunflower (including self-nomination), OR they can nominate a trial site we can send origami sunflowers to for gifting to their trial participants. Learn more about requesting this gifting on the CCReW Website under CCReW Support - only subscribers to this newsletter are able to make these requests, as a little thankyou for being engaged with us.

As part of this year's O4CT campaign, I am going to gift an origami sunflower to a trial participant for each day of the month (ie 31 origami sunflowers!). So please get requesting, and purchasing!

Finally, but definitely not the least, we have opened a CCReW Conference Travel Scholarship round, for consumers needing support to attend a conference before the end of the year. Applications close 9am, 18 Oct. It is short notice, but we've noticed how few conferences coming up are still helping consumers with costs, and want to do our last little bit before Christmas to support more #ptinclusiveconf. For more details about what's on offer and eligibility, please visit the CCReW Scholarships webpage.  I would love to offer more scholarships in 2025, and are once again looking for corporate or individual sponsors (CCReW Believers) that would like to be recognised for their efforts to support consumers get involved in research. Please reach out if your organisation would like to be involved.

I do hope you managed to get to the end of that intro! Now I'll let you catch up on everything else the newsletter has to offer.
Until next time, wishing that you keep well and that life is kind to you.

                                                Janelle, AccessCR and the CCReW initiative

The following is a list of trials from ANZCTR listed as having started recruitment between 28Aug-30Sep24 (as at 30Sep). For more details, click on the links to access the specific trial information.

  • Exploring attitudes towards emerging technologies in a paediatric cystic fibrosis clinic: airway gene therapy and XV LVAS imaging. SA.    
Eye Related   
Ear Related
  • Genicular Artery Embolisation (GAE) in Mild to Moderate Osteoarthritis: Correlation between Treatment Effect and Biochemical Biomarkers. This sub-study is part of the PRAETORIAN registry, and participants will be asked participants to provide blood samples at the same time points they complete questionnaires for the PRAETORIAN registry.  QLD  
  • Investigating the effect of a mHealth assisted allied health opioid tapering intervention on daily opioid use for chronic pain. QLD.     

We have no connection/involvement with any of the above studies. Please click the study link and scroll to the contacts section for whom to reach out to for more inormation. If the trial is not running near you, ask the researchers if there are other options or travel support available. We'd love to know if you make enquiries and join one of these studies. And if you have difficulty reaching the research team, please let us know that too.

If you are a sponsor or researcher that wants to let people know about your newly opened study, please complete our request form or contact us (it's free to list a trial once).

See below for opportunities and events we've spotted which may be of interest to CCReW:

  • See all the CCReW related events listed in the introduction.
  • Representative Enrolment of Older Adults in Clinical Trials - Insights from academia, clinical practice and policy. Online and in person, Sydney Health Partners, 9 Oct, 12-1pm AEST.
  • Debra International and PFMD will hold its third webinar of the PE101 series, discussing the importance of collaboration in advancing advocacy. 10Oct, 9-10:30pm AEST.
  • Contribute feedback on one of a number of TGA consultations currently happening, for example (but not limited to): Future regulation of assistive technologies (Closes 13 Oct).
  • The National Medicines Symposium, 19 Nov, will bring together experts and practitioners to discuss innovative strategies for enhancing medication safety, reducing polypharmacy, and improving the quality of life for all Australians. Register online.
  • National HREC Conference 27-29Nov (Online and free). Register online.  
  • Doherty Institute are seeking community members with experience living with or caring for someone with cancer or an infectious disease to join their Community Partnership Program, to contribute their perspectives to health and medical research. Apply now.
  • Researchers at WEHI are conducting a survey to explore broad community perspectives on consumer engagement in cancer research. Consumers with lived experience of cancer, either as a patient or carer are invited to complete the survey, which will take 15-20mins to complete.
  • The (international) Patient Engagement Open Forum (PEOF) currently has open consultations on two of its initiatives. (It's not clear when they close).

Do you have an event or opportunity for consumers related to research you'd like to share in our newsletter? Please complete our request form or contact us. Iit's generally free to list unless it involves alot of time on our part to sort out).

Here's a few other bits and pieces you might like to engage with:

We're passionate about ensuring every Australian is aware of the opportunities available to make a difference by taking part in, learning about and getting involved in other ways in research. Equally, we want to help build capacity in both the consumer and research sectors to engage and partner together. Share this newsletter, encourage others to subscribe, and help spread the opportunities to more people.

Have a study, an event, an consumer research opportunity to share?
Submit a request for us to include this content in the CCReW newsletter via the
CCReW submission form.

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Your purchase will help fund CCReW support activities like our 1800 Trials Helpline, CCReW travel scholarships, clinical trial participant thank you's & more. Visit the shop.

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