The latest Australian clinical trials, consumer involvement news and opportunities in research.
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Despite my best efforts, the last few weeks of events got on top of me and so this end of Nov newsletter is a little late. But that just means you get this week's announcements faster.

We had 7 at our CCReW dinner meetup in Melbourne on Tuesday, 3 Dec. Despite the difference in people's locations and health interests, it never ceases to amaze me how common the issues are. That's why we are so committed to cross-therapeutic area sharing and networking to improve capacity and confidence.

It was lovely to meet our CCReW scholarship winner Saran (front right) in person, and I look forward to catching up with our other CCReW scholarship holder Michael to hear about his Sydney conference experience on Saturday.

November/early December has been busy with visits to Canberra, the National HREC conference, the ACTA clinical trials annual scientific meeting and ARCS Summit Dinner. What struck me about all these events was the very different cultures across these spaces, as well as how differently the lived experience is being talked about, incorporated and valued in the different stakeholder forums, from the complete embrace of patient voice, to discussions of why in one forum, to the how in another, to the almost complete absence of a mention or involvement in another. I will let you ponder which event did which, and in which stakeholder group there might be the most culture change required to achieve meaningful partnership! Of course, there are pockets of excellence in every group, and that comment doesn't seek to minimise the progress that has been made. But, there's always more to do, and as I said to one colleague I met yesterday, I will always 'poke the bear' to encourage more consumer involvement.

Congratulations to the many members of our Facebook group for their involvement in all these events. Watch Penelope and Brian's 12min recorded presentation at the HREC conference on opportunities for HRECs to consider the lived experience or check it out via the full HREC conference session recordings.  If you didn't attend, I highly recommend reviewing the recordings for their insights and practical suggestions, especially with reference to the value of the lived experience.

A new National Health and Medical Research Strategy is being developed. A webinar was held yesterday (I was in a plane so am eagerly waiting the recording). However a survey was released at the end of the webinar to capture reactions on the development of the strategy. Visit this webpage for the link. I will keep the Facebook group updated as I hear more, and of course, provide updates through this newsletter.

CT:IQ are seeking feedback on a draft paper for human research ethics committees to guide HRECs around ongoing communication post consent with trial participants and their support networks, and what might/might not need approval by the 1 Feb. Complete the survey here to geive your feedback on what has been proposed.

Planning is underway for what will be a flagship event for us next year to celebrate the best in consumer partnership in research in Australia and I will have more to say on this shortly.

I know how busy you all are, so will leave you to pick through everything else the newsletter has to offer.
Until next time, wishing that you keep well and that life is kind to you.

                                                Janelle, AccessCR and the CCReW initiative

The following is a list of trials from ANZCTR listed as having started recruitment between 28Oct-30Nov 2024 (as at 30Nov). For more details, click on the links to access the specific trial information.

Heart Related
Eye Related
Ear Related     
  • A Study to Explore Improved Features and a Simplified Treatment Approach for a Totally Implantable Cochlear Implant (TICI) Research System in Adults with Severe Hearing Loss. VIC.
  • The Canberra Family Study: Engaging with new parents to drive improvements in maternity service quality and family healthcare outcomes. ACT.
  • Individualised Dose Optimisation of Ganciclovir in Immunocompromised Childrenv Trial (ID-MAGIC). NSW, QLD, VIC, WA.   
  • Improving Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Dosing for Vancomycin in Young Infants With Infections (VANCAPP) (Part 2). VIC.  
Healthy volunteers  

Researcher Requested listings (free):
  • The ACCELERATE Peanut trial is a phase 1, randomised, double-blind study to evaluate a novel injectable, allergen-specific antibodies that targets peanut protein. Currently recruiting 15-55 years old individuals diagnosed with peanut allergy at 4 sites in Australia.

Note we have no connection/involvement with any of the above studies. Please click the study link and scroll to the contacts section for whom to reach out to for more inormation. If the trial is not running near you, ask the researchers if there are other options or travel support available. We'd love to know if you make enquiries and join one of these studies. And if you have difficulty reaching the research team, please let us know that too.

If you are a sponsor or researcher that wants to let people know about your newly opened study, please complete our request form or contact us (it's free to list a trial once).

See below for opportunities and events we've spotted which may be of interest to CCReW:

  • NSW Regional Cancer Research Network are offering 4 Consumer Conference Travel Grants to its members to attend the COSA Survivorship conference. Be quick as funding is allocated in order of application.
  • ARCS Conference Abstracts deadline has eben extended to 8 Dec. (There's no word yet on consumer scholarships or speaker travel reimbursement, so consumers submitting an abstract should make sure they have a backup plan for getting travel costs covered in case ARCS don't cover these).
  • The VCCC are hosting an in-person and online Consumer Engagement Forum, 9Dec, 10am-12pm. (There seems to be a waitlist for online at the moment).
  • The MRCT Center, in collaboration with the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) and Milken Institute’s FasterCures, and with contributions from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, will host a virtual meeting to discuss the current state of diversity in clinical trials. (9Dec 10am-1pm ET = 10Dec 2-5am Sydney time)
  • Health Literacy Hub webinar: Health literacy as a shared resource: exploring the role of family, carers and community in health literacy’. 9 Dec, 12-1pm AEDT. Register online.The Victorian Research Translation Centres (Monash Partners, Melbourne Academic Centre for Health, Western Alliance) are engaging with all relevant stakeholders (including consumers) around the ‘grey zone’ between clinical practice and research. Express interest via this survey in one of the opportunities to engage with this work (including a 10Feb Summit).
  • Webinar: WHO launches new clinical trials guidance – What do I need to know? 13 Dec, 14:00 CET
  • The Medical Research Future Fund Australian Brain Cancer Mission is conducting a National Consultation on the refreshed Roadmap and Implementation Plan. Submissions close 20 Dec.
  • The Australian Clinical Trials Education Centre (A-CTEC) are looking for feedback from users in this15-20min survey that closes 24Dec.
  • Nominations for the 2025 NHMRC Biennial Awards are open until 31Jan. This include a Consumer Involvement Award.
  • The international Made with Patients 2025 Awards celebrate individuals and initiatives advancing patient engagement in healthcare, and are open for nominations until 14Feb. (No, these are the not the awards we are planning for later 2025, but still a good opportunity to raise the profile of great initiatives in healthcare :) )

Do you have an event or opportunity for consumers related to research you'd like to share in our newsletter? Please complete our request form or contact us. It's generally free to list unless it involves alot of time on our part to sort out.

Here's a few other bits and pieces you might like to engage with:

We're passionate about ensuring every Australian is aware of the opportunities available to make a difference by taking part in, learning about and getting involved in other ways in research. Equally, we want to help build capacity in both the consumer and research sectors to engage and partner together. Share this newsletter, encourage others to subscribe, and help spread the opportunities to more people.

Have a study, an event, an consumer research opportunity to share?
Submit a request for us to include this content in the CCReW newsletter via the
CCReW submission form.

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