News Jul19
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     Founder Update

Dear ,

Hello and welcome if this is the first time you are getting our newsletter, for joining our community. I look forward to engaging with you to learn how we can support you better.

For those that have been wondering what we've been up to recently, since our newsletters have taken a back seat, it's been a time for thinking about what Research4Me is and does, building relationships, better understanding your needs & helping solve problems as you will see in the highlights below.

Our social media following and Facebook group has been steadily growing and I've enjoyed seeing the discussion there grow. We're always listening out for the issues consumers and the researcher/ industry face to inform our direction, and still remain firmly of the belief that there is a need for better infrastructure, funding and support to bring stakeholders together and improve research success. Research4Me will continue to be an advocate and platform for making that happen.

At the end of April, we formally launched the concept of our Tribe and our new Referral Program  (see more below, including a once off speciall offer), and I am excited by the possibilities provided by these collaborations.
As an example, the relationship with ARCS Australia is already driving change and benefits, giving consumers a chance to attend their conference in August free for the very first time. I'd encourage any consumers interested in better understanding the therapeutics industry and seeking to collaborate constructively to improve therapeutic development (from idea, to research, to regulatory approval and listing on the PBS) to consider applying before the deadline - 9am 15July -  more information below).  

There are interesting things happening with all 7 of our Tribe including a Consumer Education workshop with Lung Foundation Australia & Australian Lung Cancer Trials Group next week. I look forward to sharing more of these opportunities with you in due course, and invite you to formally join our Tribe so we can collaborate and share what you are up to, or at least join our Facebook group which is the first place we usually share these opportunities.

Research4Me is nothing without its community. As you can never be too sure what's just around the corner, I wanted to take this opportunity to "smell the roses" and say how grateful I am to each of you that generously share your time, experiences, problems, insights, and advice, and help promote what we are trying to achieve. You make a difference and keep me inspired to push forward with Research4Me.

Have a great month ahead, and please say hello if we cross paths at an upcoming event. I always love to meet members of our community and learn about your passions. And please share this newsletter if you think others might be interested.

ARCS Annual Conference Consumer Scholarships

Applications close 9am 15 July for health consumers interested in attending the ARCS Annual conference in Sydney on the 6-8 August. This is a professional development conference for those that work in the therapeutics industry (for example, non commerical and commercial clinical research professionals, regulatory and safety specialists, health economics and medical affairs professionals) to upskill their knowledge and understanding of processes, improving how they work, and the future direction of the industry.

For the very first time, ARCS is offering consumers the opportunity to attend the conference at no-charge, through their consumer scholarship program. It only takes a few minutes to apply, and there are plenty of scholarships on offer, so you have a good chance of success. Learn more about applying here. I encourage you to take a look at the conference program, as there will be a number of sessions talking about the role of consumers in the industry, how to work toward better partnership, and a consumer networking area so you can meet other health consumers attending.

Travel scholarships are not available through ARCS or other partners at the moment, but Research4Me is offering to cover up to $750 in travel costs for one person in our community who receives a scholarship from ARCS. For noting, you must agree when you apply for the scholarship that you have the funding to support your travel, so do not apply on the basis that you hope to get the Research4Me travel support, and run the risk that someone else may miss out on the ARCS scholarship.

We'll be updating the Opportunities page of our website with how to apply for this travel support on 15July, to avoid confusion with the ARCS scholarship application process, which is separate to Research4Me.
Recent Highlights ...  

It's been a busy few months with the launch of new services, events, and getting to know our community better.  Here's a quick sample of some of that action.

We attended and exhibited at the NSW Patient Experience Symposium, and connected with some of our social media connections in person at the South West Sydney Health Beyond Research & Innovation Showcase. Janelle attended the launch of the Broadening the Evidence report commissioned by BMS which advocates for better consumer engagement in the critical piece post research, where 'health technology assessments' are done to determine which products the government will subsidise.

We participated in the workshop held by ACTA and CT:IQ to help inform development of the consumer engagement toolkit web portal they are developing. A survey was distributed for the ANZ Clinical Trials Registry on how to improve its search function, and Research4Me attended the subsequent workshop that discussed the feedback and possible ideas. It is great to see progress subsequent to our ThinkTank held last year on the difficulties people have searching for clinical trials and even better to see Thinktank attendees re-consulted. Our trademark was registered and the website rearranged/updated to (hopefully)
clarify our purpose, services and website navigation. If it's still not clear, please let us know!

There's been lots of advocacy, finding trials for people, and preparations for upcoming events, as well as discussion around how our community might contribute to an upcoming govt consultation. Stay tuned for the immenent reopening of our website community too, especially for those that are still interested in sharing and engaging online off-Facebook.

Join Our Tribe

If your organisation committed to increasing public and patient awareness, participation and involvement in health and medical research?

Join our Tribe to be publicly recognised on our home and Tribe website pages for your commitment, and to explore with us how together we can leverage our experience and activities to build capacity in this area. Our Tribe is a great platform for learning, collaboration and leveraging to help empower the public, patients and carers to get involved in research, improve equity of access and diversity of participation, build the consumer workforce needed to inform research, and make sure tomorrow's care and treatments address the needs of patients and their personal communities. We hope you will be a part of it.
Here's 10 resources and articles we thought you might find interesting:

Become a Referral Partner and Benefit

Our vision is having one community of diverse health interests and research experiences creating the critical mass of people interested, informed, willing and supported to get involved and meaningfully impact research success. But we can't do that without you, nor would we want to.

As such, we've recently launched a referral program to speed up development of the community, and financially benefit those that help make it happen.

By becoming a referral partner, not only are you helping your community learn, network and access ways to get involved in research, you:

  • earn credits toward services and/or financial returns (conditions apply) that can further support/build your own capacity for research;
  • save time by leveraging our effort to make your community ready for the research opportunities you (and others) present;
  • benefit from having access to a larger community to recruit help from;
  • create the chance to build lasting relationships with those you refer by building your own group within our online community re-launching shortly.

*SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER*, announced here first.
Kick off the financial year on the right foot. Be one of the first 3 organisations to join our Referral Network before September to get the modest set-up fee waived. Contact Janelle for more information.

Here are the 26 clinical research studies/trials in Australia & New Zealand that have indicatied they started recruiting  in June 2019 as found on the ANZCTR 11Jul19:

Research4Me has no relationship with any of these projects and provides this information as a public service to increase awareness of the diversity of research needing participants. If you are interested in more information, please click the links and contact the researchers listed directly.

Did you know...?

Outside of our paid advertising services, as part of our #TrialsTues initiative and commitment to raising awareness of and access to clinical trials and medical research, we offer research teams the opportunity to advertise free-of-charge their recruiting studies or consumer involvement/input opportunities in our Facebook Group between 5-10pm every Tuesday (AEST) .

Visit the
website or contact us for more information.
Get Involved.
Help improve and speed up health & medical research
Would you like to be contacted with opportunities researchers contact us directly about?
Do you have questions, research experiences to share, want to connect with like minded people, and/or want to help us create a community for answers, support and experience-sharing around public involvement and participation in clinical research? Do you want an easy way as researchers to let people know about the opportunities you have available to get involved in your research?
Do you have a story to tell that others could learn from about being involved in health and medical research, or engaging the community in medical research? Whether its a diary, interview, video chat, photo collection, etc, we want to help you share your experience.
We are always open to feedback and suggestions, or organisations looking for support, collaboration, partnership with and learn from other individuals and organisations interested in engaging the community in health and medical research, especially clinical trials.
Please contact us at any time.

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