News Dec18
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     Founder Update

The end of the year is upon us. Where did 2018 go? It's been busy year and I won't deny it, I am looking forward to a bit of a rest to recharge the batteries for 2019 over the next couple of weeks.

I've w
ritten on our website, for those interested, a recap of what we have achieved this year and our plans for early next year.
If you've missed any of our consumer/researcher stories, newsletters, etc, you can always catch up via our Latest News. (And I hope to release a video reflection on the year before the New Years champagne is popped, so keep an eye out on our social media for that).

I am so grateful for the support, advice and contributions so many of you have made this year to our initiatives, and other opportunitiues our network have offered and I look forward to what we can achieve together in 2019.

So with that, all that remains is to wish you and those you care about a restful, safe, happy holiday season, and an exciting, healthy 2019.

Till we meet again in 2019, best wishes... Janelle.
In case you missed our Latest News.....  

Since the last newsletter, we published interviews with a researcher and consumer representative involved in the ENDIA study, talking about the issue of engaging the public in research, the ways the ENDIA team have involved consumers in the largest study into understanding the cause of Type 1 diabetes in Australia, and the value of that involvement. You can catch up on Part 1 and Part 2 of the interviews online.

We also sponsored the Australian Clinical Trial Alliance (ACTA) annual summit, presented at it on ACTA's Consumer Engagement Group work and supported the attendance of a couple of consumers to it. To our mind, all the consumers that attended demonstrated in spades the value of including their perspectives in the discussion around challenges and ways forward in clinical research with their insightful questions and comments throughout the event. Presentations from the summit are available at the link provided, for those interested.

And, in case you've missed it, we offer researchers the opportunity to advertise for free any research they are looking for participants for, or patient/carer/consumer input into every Tuesday night, 5-10pm AEDT in our Facebook Group as part of out #TrialsTues initiative. Visit the website or contact us if you would like more information.

Did you know...?

Research4Me all about increasing awareness of, and access to, opportunities to get involved in research. To demonstrate our commitment to this, we make available to researchers the opportunity to advertise for free any medical research they are looking for participants for, or patient/carer/consumer input into every Tuesday night, 5-10pm AEDT in our Facebook Group as part of out #TrialsTues initiative. Visit the
website or contact us if you would like more information.
Here's 10 articles we thought you might find interesting:

  • How the IoT is changing clinical trials The IoT is changing the process of clinical trials, making them more efficient and cost-effective, and speeding up the time it takes to research new treatments.

Here are the trials listed on the ANZCTR as currently recruiting in Australia, with a start date between 22Nov-20Dec18:

Research4Me has no relationship with any of these projects and provides this information as a public service to increase awareness of the diversity of research needing participants. If you are interested in more information, please click the links and contact the researchers listed directly.

Get Involved.
Help change the game in health & medical research
Would you like to be contacted with opportunities researchers contact us directly about?
Do you have questions, research experiences to share, want to connect with like minded people, and/or want to help us create a community for answers, support and experience-sharing around public involvement and participation in clinical research? Do you want an easy way as researchers to let people know about the opportunities you have available to get involved in your research?
Do you have a story to tell that others could learn from about being involved in health and medical research, or engaging the community in medical research? Whether its a diary, interview, video chat, photo collection, etc, we want to help you share your experience.
We are always open to feedback and suggestions, or organisations looking for support, collaboration, partnership with and learn from other individuals and organisations interested in engaging the community in health and medical research, especially clinical trials.
Please contact us at any time.

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